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Comment On Jean Kinser's Posting

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Comment On Jean Kinser's Posting
From: "arlyn" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 12:51:29 -0400
Rather than discuss the rules and regulations, maybe we need to look further
to understand why these few people are opposed to Jean's postings?  And
then, wonder whether those disgruntled few would be posting the same
messages if they owned the Evolution School.  Would hate to think that
jealousy is rearing it's ugly head.

And now for my spam...  our new website has been up for 10 days.  Take a
minute to register for an opportunity to win a $25 gift certificate.

                 Arlyn Strano
        Strano Performance Parts
Email for info:
Check out our website:
                 800 729 1831

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Kenneth Allan Mitchell
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 12:22 PM
To: Team.Net
Subject: Loren's Comment On Jean Kinser's Posting

I don't think that Jean's posting is inappropriate or in violation of
any rule of this net. I personally think that her posting regarding the
school meets rule number 2. "Participation and contribution of related
businesses and their employees in these discussions is quite welcome and

I think that Jean's posting and school is a great contribution to the
autocross community and this forum is an appropriate place to spread the
word to everyone. If Jean's posting was only for her benefit and not a
benefit to the drivers of the autocross commmunity than I would agree
with you on rule number 3. I don't think in this case that rule number 3
applies when this benefits the drivers and she is providing a service to
accomplish it.

I would like to ask a question Loren. Who are the others you are siding
with? Did you and others have some exchange of private e-mail or called
each other up on the telephone and discussed this issue prior to posting
your e-mail regarding Jean's inappropriate postings or did you on your
own just whip up your posting and say there are others that agree with
you? I don't a recall any postings asking for anyone's thought in this
issue. Did I miss that one? Oh well.

> Jean,

> I have absolutely nothing against you or your business, but I'm beginning
> to side with those who think that the daily advertisements and updates on
> your business ventures are bordering on <gasp> spam status.

> I think you should read and consider this:


> Especially item #3, which is conveniently in bold text.

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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