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Re: What's Spam?

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: What's Spam?
From: Paul Cezanne <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 10:28:39 -0400
>How about the person on here who advertises a book and the UN in their sig.
>line?  Is that commercial?  Or are non-for profits OK?

That would of course be me.

The distinction I make is that I never, ever, post something that 
says "Read my wife's book" or "Feed the hungry." I instead post a related article or respond to a related article. 
There has NEVER been an off topic post from me about the book or 

It is called "viral marketing."  You attach your ad to something that 
is useful.  Now that's rub, what is "useful?"  I consider on-topic 
posts to be useful.  Are my sig ads effective?  For the book I'd say 
no, for thehungersite I'd say yes.  I found out about the site via a 
signature ad and I know about a dozen people who have written to me 
thanking me for putting it in and some kids somewhere don't die 

I've thought about pulling the book ad and asked one of the 
elders if it was spam and the response was that in his opinion it 
wasn't because I attached to topic related email.  If the populace 
speaks otherwise, obviously I'll remove it.

This is what Jean SHOULD do, post topic related emails in 
(and on plyon.ccs forums and elsewhere that she finds autocross 
discussion going on) and include her URL in her signature.

pZ -- Paul Cezanne (formerly Czarnecki)

Please consider buying my wife's new book, The Illusionist, 
( and then help the UN feed the world 
for free @

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