Due to the posts against the school helping clubs advertise and us answering
questions being asked about what is going on, I now have had 2 instructors
quit team.net out of frustration to reading responses to use letting people
know what is happening with the school, new creations, needing imput and help
from people, and updating the happenings of the 70 some schools we do a year
to make this sport a better place. I took on the responsibility of hosting
the dial In schools for some clubs and told them I would help..one of them
being at 3pm today was when it was finalized...and then for letting people
know of 2 new schools to be added and team.net was the first to now...I also
asked for help for putting on some...I also posted for a service being asked
to do to offer(gift certificates) and so I did. I was asked to "chair " the
dial in for tuscon and I live in florida...gee, thought this might be a good
way to reach people.
Well-I was first asked 2 years ago to get on this list and offer our
services. I was told because of the number of people we go through, with all
the different things we offer, and all the updating and changes that happen
with these schools, they said since this service is an autocrossing related
topic, service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week it would be very helpful and so
much appreciated and great for these newer people. But, the more experienced
people, the people who are involved at a national level, the people who have
been in this sport and in the know-the people who NEED to be on this list,
the people who you can learn from, the people who are involved(SEB, all the
committees, organizers, and yep, the top drivers whose imput and advice
really DO matter and make a difference) all warned me against it. These
people now are mostly gone off this list or choose not to read it or respond
to it due to the flaming, rocks throwing, name calling...I thought this was a
place to voice opinions, give advice, offer help of any sort, let people know
of what is happening, share stories, jokes, post results...and anything you
didn't care about, you didn't have to read by hitting delete...and isn't
this all supposed to be autocross related? Hhhmmm, so many issues non
autocross related I have read...well, this was rather the last straw for me.
I know I told so many of you I would keep you posted, I would try to do
things for your clubs, help advertise and market the school/events we will be
having together...I appreciate all the help. I hope we have been able to
listen to your wants and desires and try to accomodate...I hope I along with
all the instructors who work for this school and the few who are left on this
network have been able to help many of you in ways. To those of you who
wanted to be the first to know on things going on, I will post to the web. I
appologize in advance to any of you who do not get registered or signed up
for some of the limited things we put on due to the fact you did not know
early enough as it was not posted to this first. if someone who hears, or
from a clubs posts anything, that is up to them. When you try to improve the
sport, when you post accomplishments of people on jobs well done, when you
offer special things for the people who ask and you are replied to in the way
this school has been in the past couple months (by a few people who have not
been to or participated in something so beneficial to the autocrossing world
and especially by people who probably could benefit from some aspect of this
service) it is very frustrating to have to think twice about posting
something new and exciting...and that is what Evolution is all about...ever
improving, ever offering new things, making this place a more fun and
competitive place to play. We are about giving back to the sport.
I appreicate all the support on this the past year. We will continue to
advertise as we have, through clubs. You can always reach me personally at
jkinser77@aol.com or hit the website at www.autocross.com/mckameyschool
-oopps there I go spaming again!
maybe when this net thing ever gets back to the days of long ago and more of
the key influential people are back with their posts, maybe when it gets back
to what it first was started as from what I was told it may be time to join
in again.
Jean Kinser
Owner Evolution Performance Driving School-oopsss, spam again!!!