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Re: some driving tips (no skirts)

Subject: Re: some driving tips (no skirts)
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:52:18 EDT
Not that anyone is listening to a 20th place finisher ;-) but the one thing 
that really works for me is talking through the course, out loud.

For some reason I can never do it at big events, too much on my mind or 
something, but when we have a smaller event, and especially when I take a 
passenger (newbie) on a run, I talk out the course and it feels like I am 
going so slow, but the time is one of my best runs. Since I am describing 
what I will be doing, I am ready for it and it just happens that much better, 
without ever getting behind or being supprized.

Of course at Nationals, I got to the end of the (much longer) courses, and 
didn't say a word, and had to think about what I did, it was not fresh in my 
mind. I was only able to think of what corners I did bad, most of them. I 
finally was able to talk it through on my last run on the north course, and 
it was better, and mved me up 4 places from the previous days finish. I guess 
some of it is the big event jitters. The most recent event I ran against Jeff 
Cashmore, I was less than 1 second behind on a 50 second course (I was 
feeling like a trophy was possible). In Topeka I was over 2 seconds back, 
each day! 

This Sunday we have another local event, I sure hope I can get back to where 
I was before Nationals. I am currently 10th out of over 100 in both Chicago 
SCCA and TSSCC. This is definately a mental sport, much more than physical. 

Gary M.

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