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RE: Driving tips (was No Skirts...)

Subject: RE: Driving tips (was No Skirts...)
From: Doug Miller <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:48:31 -0600
Some trivia that I remember from folks. I'll try to give credit
when I can remember who told me, and they may not have told me this,
but it is what I heard!

Every 6 inches you are off a cone in a slalom it costs you .1 second.
So if you are off 1 foot in a 6 cone slalom, you lost 1.2 seconds (Byron
Short et al).

To memorize a course, first look at the longest straight aways.
Straightaways are
anywhere where you are at wide open throttle. Once you find the longest
look at the corners immediately before the straightaways, and make the 
straightaways even longer by sacrificing early braking into that corner (late
apex).  ( 

When in doubt, do not make a straightaway longer by braking deeper into the
next corner. If you brake too late and bake a corner, it costs you LOTS of
time. If you brake too early, and have just a tad extra time where you 
coast deeper into a corner before you turn in, you probably didn't waste 
very much time. (Byron Short et al).

When looking at a corner, there are lots of cones, but almost always there are
only three that count. 2 on the outside, one on the inside. Often there is
one on the outside. Find those two or three, and ignore the rest. (Stacy

On some courses there are really tight sections. In some tight sections there
is no way to make up time, only lose time. So make sure you go through those
sections plenty slow so that you don't lose even more time. (Mike Billings,
Dave Thompson).

I'm just a regional driver, so mebbe this stuff changes when you get
-doug miller

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