>From: rjohnson@friendlynet.com
>This is all fine & dandy if the 'deleting' process works. But it
doesn't. When is the last time we deleted a class? (Yes, I know that
F/P went away temporarily - but came back to make the world safe
again for Fieros.)
Roger, it doesn't look like many classes are suffering from low enough
turnout to be axed.
>Adding 12 classes in 3 years would have been fine, had we deleted
an equal amount. Class proliferation diminishes competition, and most
often does not
recruit ("build it and they will come") from outside, but rather
the existing competitor base.
Hmmm. But might this not open some possibilities for new drivers to fill
their shoes in their old classes. If I saw classes diminishing because of
this I would see your point. But that doesn't seem to be happening.
Spread 1100 competitors over fewer classes and we might see the specter
of someone finishing 100th in SS for example.
Ben Thatcher
Apex Benefit Services & Motorsports
Stockbridge, GA