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Re: OSP? Sure, why not!

To: <>
Subject: Re: OSP? Sure, why not!
From: "Kent Rafferty" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 15:20:56 -0400
Works for me.  The hard part is killing the weak
ones...  :-)

How about one year on probation where SCCA powers try
to "fix" the class by modifying the rules, allowing new
cars in, booting Daddio out, or whatever.  If that
doesn't work, then put the class out of its

Kent Rafferty

Roger wrote:
Only two codicils:  No more than 50 classes (25 Open,
25 Ladies) and no fewer that 20 entries in each (O+L)
class.  Actually, make that no less that 2% of the
total Nationals entries in each (0+L) class.

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