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RE: Subject: I'm Not Every Woman

Subject: RE: Subject: I'm Not Every Woman
From: "David Schwabe" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:22:08 CDT

I've never met you, but that was a nice message... and way to go on 
competing in Open.

My .02 is that Ladies classes are great on a local level... and great on a 
National level until folks like Katie, Marinus, etc, need the greater 
challenge of Open. Having the ability to choose between the two is a great 

My wife just recently started autocrossing... I don't think she'd mind 
running either Ladies or Open, but for her, the Ladies classes were an 
unintimidating start to a sport that can be intimidating at first (re: sea 
of cones). I honestly think it helped her get more comfortable with the 
sport more quickly.

Like one of the other posters said, maybe try to shorten the banquet some 
other way... I don't know. I'm one of those "rookies" that's been 
autocrossing for more than a decade but has not made it to Kansas yet.

But next year is a distinct possibility to go to Topeka. And I would hate to 
see my wife's ability to choose what class she wanted to run in taken away.

Call it powerdpuff if you want... but we should be including as many people 
as possible, not being exclusionary.


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