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Re: Trophies (was Ladies Classes)

To: "washburn" <>
Subject: Re: Trophies (was Ladies Classes)
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 17:56:18 -0700
PLW writes

> Mark Sirota wrote:
> >
> > Mark Sirota wrote:
> > > (1) Too many classes make for long and boring Nationals banquets.
> >
> Dare I suggest, in the spirit of the Olympic Games, three trophies????
> Gold, Silver, and Bronze.  Why not...when I tell my friends I trophied
> at Nationals, I get funny looks anyway when I mention that it was an
> *8th place* trophy.  Makes sense to me.  What does everyone else
> think????

Well, that's 3 trophies for 8 people in most cases for individual events and
they've gone through some elimination process to get to the final group.  So
you have to have true qualifying events/heats - probably way to much time to
do at nationals so it would have to be at the Divisionals or Tours. Each
Region has a qualifying event, top x many goes to Nats for semi-finals and
finally the top 8 run for the trophies.  I think I prefer the current
system, especially since for most of us, going to Nats is a lot more than
just the few minutes we spend actually competing.  IMHO

Rick Brown
FP 240Z

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