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RE: Enough already with the attacks :)

To: "'Alan Pozner'" <>
Subject: RE: Enough already with the attacks :)
From: "Moore, John" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:14:25 -0500
Ha :) Ha :) Ha :) Ha :) Ha :). Are you sure you dont know me? :)

        Oh wait, It was the voices in my head that tell me to keep it up. No
wait, it was Elvis and he's not really dead. Or was it the ghost of Eleanor
Roosevelt? No, I'm mistaken, it was aliens who have taken over my body and
will be taking me back to thier home planet. Maybe while I'm up there I can
find the planet Mark "the Alien" Daddio came from and learn how to drive
like that. :) :) :)

Thank You for the Humor Mr. Pozner.

John Moore
1991 Nissan Sentra SE-R (STS) 
1993 Toyota MR2 NA (CS) For Sale !

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Pozner []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 1:52 PM
> To:   Moore, John; ''
> Subject:      RE: Enough already with the attacks
> Mr Moore,
> I do not know you and I do not wish to impinge on your character but the
> FACT is that you, sir, are a glutton for punishment :-)
> Alan "know's better than to stalk mAs in his own lair" Pozner

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