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Re: skirts in mod class question

To: "Doug Miller" <>, <>
Subject: Re: skirts in mod class question
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 01:35:21 -0500
Okay, serious answer, Doug, from one who is not really deep into mod so it
may be worth about as much as those goofy answers.

First, IMHO, you do seem to have found a loophole. But,

Second, can you guarantee that that gap will be maintained under all
circumstances of braking, acceleration and suspension squat? If it hits
ground at some time, you've just "sealed" the underside and at that moment
became illegal.

I have an airdam on my Prep car. It is about 3 inches above ground when the
car is standing still. Photog at Nationals caught me with that dam ON THE
GROUND under hard braking. But then I knew it did that just from the edge

Perhaps a full skirt may not be a good idea. maybe a front chin spoiler
would be.

And for those thinking about sucker cars, they were banned years ago (Andy
Whittle had one once).


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Miller <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, September 25, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: skirts in mod class question

>the rule book says on page 134:
>"The sealing of the chassis/body to the ground with skirts is prohibited."
>I read this that skirts aren't illegal, as long as they don't SEAL.
>So I can run skirts as long as there is a gap at the bottom.  ????
>Am I reading this the same way as everyone else?
>Also, what is a "skirt"????? I'm assuming it is a vertical piece of
>something that extends from the body/chassis downwards towards the
>ground.  ??????????
>thanks very much,
>Doug Miller

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