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RE: Solo II Co-Rookies of the Year

To: "'Scot Zediker'" <>, Eric Linnhoff <>,
Subject: RE: Solo II Co-Rookies of the Year
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 11:19:06 -0700
Scot Zediker writes...

>I'm a 3rd-year autoxer.  Since this was my first
>Nationals, do I still count as a rookie?

You're still a rookie, Scot. :)

Bill Flieg won Rookie of the Year honors in '98. He's been autocrossing WAY
longer than I have.

Let's not take this stuff too seriously. It's just a nice little honor,
awarded by some group of people who get together and vote. It's like the
Favorites section in your high school yearbook.

I'm referring to the SCCA Solo II Rookie of the Year award. Who knows who
that will be.

I also think that vocally protesting the results of such an award
demonstrates such poor taste. I'm not referring to anyone on this list, but
my opinion is, once the award has been awarded, accept it, and be a good
sport about it. Maybe you agree or disagree with the outcome, which you're
entitled to do, but there should be a level of tact and dignity involved.
It's not the recipient's *fault* that he or she won. I scratch my head
sometimes, too, but we shouldn't forget what it means to be a good sport.
Just a general comment.

I won by infinity at my first Nationals. No one noticed. I got over it. :)

Katie K.

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