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was Re: BSM/SM2, now: Hoosier tire life underrated

Subject: was Re: BSM/SM2, now: Hoosier tire life underrated
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 10:59:46 -0400
> Then you add tires yearly costs:  I'm told that it would cost about 
> $2-3k a year to keep tires on a Ralt and to keep it running.  How much
> those competitive Hoosier DOT tires?  $800 a set?  How long do they
> 40 runs. 

FYI...the Hoosiers Eric won CS on in the ProSolo Finale had way, way, way
more runs on them than 40.  Try all day Sunday and Saturday afternoon at
the Peru warmup.  Essentially, if he wasn't in the car running, I
was--for about 9 hours straight--plus the 20+ runs they had on them at
the Pro when he made his fastest time.  *And* they still have a lot of
life left.

They also cost about half what you suggested, but then, they were '99
tires.  Our 2000 set for Nationals themselves were $600.

One more thing.  Our MR2 cost $5500.  The swaybar was $130, shocks less
than $650.  We got one set of spare wheels for $50 (and they had nearly
new Toyo Proxes on them!), one set for $150, and a third set for $200. 
We don't have $25K in our car, trailer, tires, and tow vehicle combined.

Yes, competitive stock class vehicles can be expensive, but no, they
don't have to be.

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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