Some points:
ESP ran on T/W and as such had more crap on course (dirt/holes). SS ran
Th/F, much cleaner with a LOT of rubber down). SS didn't come close to
catching ESP...... I wonder if all of us in SS are inferior drivers to
Bob. Not saying we're better by any means. But PAX wise, SS should be
faster, but we weren't in the ball-park.
And when we ran the north Friday morning the RX7 was stronger than I EVER
felt it before. I was a set of tires I loved (and saved for the purpose)
and I thought I was driving well.
Same thing in the Pro Finale. SS was a BATTLE. Bob wasn't pushed and I'm
sure didn't show his whole hand (that would have been dumb with the way the
challenge works).
Bob would've been 2nd in CSP (where we were to believe the car was
uncompetitive). And FWIW, CSP ran Th/F in "better" course conditions too.
There wasn't one sane person there who didn't think Bob was going to win.
Not one (that didn't have his head buried in the sand).
In the Pro, again when Bob *wasn't* pushed (he won by more than 1 second)
he STILL out ran Danny Popp and Charlie Shelton (two BSP drivers you MAY
And ESP WASN'T weak at all folks. In the past FS cars would have been in
the top ten (I would have been like 7th in ESP in '98 when I was 6th in
FS). This year someone told me Mark Daddio would have been like 16th in
Maybe the fact that ESP has made SS look like a joke index-wise for the
first time ever should make you pundits think twice.
Maybe the fact that most of the griping, pro-BMW contigent weren't even in
Topeka! I'm tired of the opinions coming from those who know it all, but
apparently can't find their way to Kansas.
I'm VERY tired from my adventure these last couple of days, and I'm upset
about some other things. You wanna aruge the points? I may or may not
answer, but if I do it might not be pretty.
The f*cking car is not an ESP car. It never should have been, it ought to
be clear now to the blindest idiots around us. I decided to wait to see
what happened in Topeka. It's over. I was right, as were about a zillion
other people. Get over it, fix the HUGE mistake, move it to CSP or BSP (I
don't care).
Sam (back to f-stock I go) Strano.....
Sam Strano Jr.
Strano Performance Parts
800-729-1831 orders/price info.
814-849-3417 technical info.