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Re: BSP Stories?

Subject: Re: BSP Stories?
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 08:46:09 EDT
In a message dated 09/16/2000 11:50:18 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Looking at BSP results, are there any stories here?  Looks like Ray
>  Miller really put it to everyone!  Anyone privy to this one?

I am proud to say that Ray was one of our students a few years ago and he has 
been running his butt off since then.  I know that several BSP guys were 
saying they were not used to running course quite like the north course.  I 
am sure with the two extremes styles of courses, it was a matter of who could 
put together 2 fast clean runs-talk was south course was car, and north 
course was driver.  Sure was some exciting and surprising results in some 
classes this year. Matters were made worse for the cars with the extremely 
stiff set ups with the bumps and holes on the north course.   If you watched 
them, the cars seem to skid in ways and slowing down was a problem.  Many 
guys with their set ups went to the softer set ups on the north to try and 
get some better handling.


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