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To: "'Jeff Lloyd'" <>,
Subject: RE: ESP
From: Jeff Winchell <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 11:20:12 -0700
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Lloyd []
>Last but not least BOB is the only driver I put ahead of Mark Daddio in
terms of raw talent.  I'm sorry but put his combination
>In any competitive car and it will win.  Including any f body

>Enough said

If the case against the M3 in ESP was only based on the generic claim that
Bob can't be good enough to beat everyone, I'm sure the SEB and >SPAC
wouldn't even be discussing this topic, nor would there be as many letters
into the SEB, or nearly as many e-mails.

So, I disagree. Enough was not said.

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