>I don't get the argument. Eliminate the driver issue. Take Mark Daddio,
>he's not a driver anyway, he's a God. Clone him. Place Mark 1 in an
>Tunnel's Magic '95 M3. Place Mark 2 in Maradesh's monster F-Body.
Too many M3 drivers are doing too well this year at too many events.
>But Tunnell is a damn good driver. And several damn good drivers driving
>pony cars got a rather distant view of his taillights. On different
>courses, in different weather conditions. But when we're talking about two
top drivers in unequal
>cars the better car is going to win. Apparently, everytime if this year is
>any indication.
>Conclusion. The M3 is a superior platform for autocross when compared with
>the traditional pony cars.
Yes. I agree wholeheartedly.
>The next question. Does the sport care about maintaining a class for the
>traditional pony cars? If protecting the dinosaurs is an important goal,
>then move the M3.
I don't know why a minority of people insist on calling these cars
dinosaurs. I guess maybe it's jealousy since the number of these dinosaurs
is larger than any other reasonably defined car type.
If restoring what was the 2nd largest class at nationals (now the 9th and
falling if the M3 stays in) is important, yes they will do something.