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Re: I'm coming to Kansas!

To: Vince Bly <>
Subject: Re: I'm coming to Kansas!
From: washburn <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 20:37:04 -0500
Vince Bly wrote:
> 1> Arriving Monday night; leaving Thursday AM.
> 2> I am from Wausau, WI
> 3> In the Great White Bus - Solo City
> 4> DS Neon
> 5> Tue/Wed
> 6> And what?!  Just kidding...fourth trip for me and the last run for the Cow 
>Car. If I finish where I expect to, I have a large pack of auto related 
>excuses all ready to spew at the drop of a hat to anyone willing to listen.  
>See everyone there!  Don't forget to have fun!!

Pat Washburn

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