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Re: I'm coming to Kansas!

To: "Vince Bly" <>, "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: I'm coming to Kansas!
From: "Phillip Osborne" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 11:47:21 -0400

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:22 PM
Subject: I'm coming to Kansas!

> 1> When are you arriving/leaving?....arriving Wed. Sept 6
> 2> Where are you from?....Atlanta, soon to be Dallas, again....
> 3> Where are you staying?....Solo City
> 4> What are you driving?/In what class?...86 Mustang in CP (#5)
> 5> When are you running?...Tue/Wed
> 6> And?  Leaving Sat. AM after the Friday Banquet.  More folks should stay
and support those guys/gals who run Thurs/Fri.  Come on, let's fill up the
banquet room for these folks!

Phil O.

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