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Get your Nat'ls work done by Monday

Subject: Get your Nat'ls work done by Monday
From: "K.C. Babb" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 07:34:13 -0700 (PDT)
Need 1 worker to help with North course setup, Sunday after
the warm-up event ends and Monday morning.  Do that and 
you're done.  No chasing cones in the 90-degree heat, or
whatever else you'd do.  Especially good for someone who
is contemplating doing a Nationals design.  Contact me
directly.  Sorry for the late notice, been having trouble
with the home email (not to mention the bio-RAM). 

If you're already in a key position, don't bail on that.
I'm looking for someone who can be pulled from a
non-critical spot.  Thanks!

Karen Babb

Copyright 2000, Karen Babb, BCA / ASL      Boeing Employees' Autosports Club         B-XT31       206-662-4937w      m/s 19-MH  
My opinions are not Boeing's.          Common sense isn't.            RTFRB.

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