So let the truth be known.... True, I am a novice to autocross, been
participating since april. I would like to think my efforts with my local club
are above par with a lot of other novice's. I have been working with members
of the board since I started in April and am one of the clubs few training
computer timing operators. I am also running for a member at large position,
and have been to 3 of 5 club meetings since I joined the SCCA.
I spend a lot of time providing pictures for people, if you were at the Peru
nationals you may have received your own. I take pictures scan them in, and
then give the originals to the drivers, no charge.
I will be at nationals this year with my slow golf and all. I know I stand not
a chance at winning STS, or even coming close, but I am going for the
experience, and to meet the people! I am sure there will be quite a few people
upset at me by my actions over, to this I apologize. If you still
hate me feel free to tell me at Topeka.
I am sorry if it came across that I think is broken, I do not think
that. My view is that it is just inefficient... no offense to anyone, as
commented I still read it every day.
To everyone, have a good labor day weekend, get some seat time in.
Chris "Overly Eager Neophyte"
"I'm inclined to think that Mr. Hammond is just an excited
novice, and is trying to give something back to the sport that
he just discovered. If this is true, I'm sure that his
efforts would be more appreciated in dragging the cones out
to his local club's site. Team.Net isn't broken."
Christopher Hammond