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Slipping Clutch Question

Subject: Slipping Clutch Question
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 12:43:08 -0700
Hi, lately my clutch has been slipping. Not abnormal, in that I change
my clutch every couple years...and I have been teaching my daughter to
drive my car (hmmm, the smell of burnt clutch!).

I have normally ignored the slip, as I thought it only affected the
length of time until the clutch engages. In fact, I found for
autocrossing, a new grabby clutch was worse as far as upsetting the car.
A slipping clutch actually mechanically smoothed the shift transitions.

But, it occurs to me, if the clutch was slipping during a non-shifting
point also, that would be a bad you are in effect losing

The question is, does the clutch when it slips on shifting also slip
after engagement is made? 

I might have to scramble before nats and add this to my list of stuff to
be done (windshield is braking) in the next few weeks.


Randy Chase
'91 MR2 NA (slight overheating..head gasket?...cracked
windshield....needs body work and a paint job....suspension whacked from
hitting a wall...throttle cable causing idle to be way high....and now a
slipping clutch)

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