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Re: Class Cost of Ownership (was: New Miata)

Subject: Re: Class Cost of Ownership (was: New Miata)
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 11:49:45 EDT
In a message dated 8/11/00 5:30:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Stock class is one of those double-edged swords: 


The Street Prepared / Modified sword is single-edged  >>

As is the Prepared sword.  

I wanted a powerful, front engine rear drive car for my next autocross car.  
I decided the choices were FS, ESP, or CP.

FS had the risk of going out and spending $20-30K and finding that something 
better comes along in 2-3 years.

ESP has less risk of that, but I felt I'd still have to start with a '93 or 
newer Camaro, then spend a lot of money, and probably not drive it on the 
street and need a tow vehicle/trailer.

CP required the tow vehicle (new Chevy truck, which won't need to be replaced 
before it's paid off, so I can keep it 10 years or so...), but I started with 
a running 350 Firebird for $2K, and figure I'll have (not much) less than 
$20K in it (but a lot of man-hours) before it's competitive.  I'm pretty sure 
that's a bunch less than a competitive ESP car...  And if it becomes 
uncompetitive, I can just modify the car to make it more competitive (at way 
less cost than selling a 3 year old car and buying another new one.)   If I 
break it, it goes back on the trailer and I can still get to work.  AND I get 
to party with a lot of really fun people!

OTOH, I'm borrowing rides this year because there's more work to be done than 
I have time for...


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