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SEDiv Solo2 event, last notes

Subject: SEDiv Solo2 event, last notes
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 21:11:07 EDT
Everything is on track for this weekend's BFGoodrich Team T/A SCCA SEDiv 
Solo2 Series event in Ozark, Alabama.  We may even get a reprieve from the 
heat as a small front is moving through the area and the current weather 
forecast is partly cloudy with highs of *only* 89 and lows of 73 and no rain. 
 Just the same, be sure to bring all the shade, fluids, and sunscreen you can 
possibly carry.  This is still peak summer time in Alabama.

We currently have 149 pre-registered entrants!  Registration for the event 
will close Thursday at Noon.  For links to event info and to register online 
please point your web browser to the SEDiv Solo2 website located at:

Please note that this is an active military site during the week.  A flaming 
bush has informed me that thou shall not access the site until before 6:00 pm 
on Friday.  Please do not enter the site before this time unless you 
absolutely insist on being disqualified.  We will extend the course walking 
period Saturday morning to compensate for the limited access Friday evening.  

The consumption of alcohol, drugs, or other illegal substances is not allowed 
on site at any time!  Trash clean-up is mandatory to prevent damaging 
expensive turbine helicopter engines, which could lead to a crash and possibe 
loss of life!  Regulations prevent us from lining the course as the markings 
may confuse or distract incoming pilots following the event.  We realize that 
this puts the less experienced competitors at a disadvantage, but there's 
nothing we can do about except to say that it will build character :-).   New 
for this year, a PAX-based Rookie program is in place for first year 
divisional competitors compliments of our website provider; Edwards & Edwards 
Consulting.  Info is available at the website.

Everybody knows you can't drive at your peak performance on an empty stomach, 
so lunch will be served on-site both days, compliments of Jean Kinser's 
Evolution Performance Driving School.  Saturday we'll have Subway sandwiches; 
ham, turkey, and cold cuts.  Sunday we'll have Domino's pizza.  With the 
expected large attendance, parking presents some issues, which have been 
addressed by designating a special area for Event officials, Wiregrass Region 
officials, car trailer, and tow dolly towing rigs only.  A site map will be 
handed out at the entrance gate showing the allowed parking areas.  
Unfortunately, this leaves the other open parking area some distance away 
from the course/grid/impound area, so if you own a bicycle or scooter you may 
want to bring it along to minimize the walk.  

Speaking of walking, the course run times are expected to be in the low-mid 
50 second range for the fastest vehicles, so you'll get plenty of exercise 
just hoofing the course.  The majority of the course runs on brushed 
concrete, but there are two areas where you'll spend 3 or 4 seconds 
transversing some asphalt at a pretty good clip.  The concrete surface is 
known for being abrasive and the asphalt surface is known for being slippery. 
 However, the course has been designed to minimize these effects, but still 
be both challenging and fun.  We should be able to have 3 cars on course at a 
time to keep the event moving along.

That's about it.  We look forward to seeing you all there,

Mark Sipe
SEDiv Solo2 Steward, Event Chair, Course Designer, Event Gopher
 - in other words, if you don't like anything, blame me. :-)


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