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Re: And The Winner Is...

To: "Moore, John" <>, <>
Subject: Re: And The Winner Is...
From: "David Hawkins" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 10:46:35 -0500
> [Moore, John]  Isnt that the "3 feet of duct tape for every car you
> beat" contingency? Unfortunately isnt 3 ft the exact amount of tape it
> to put a TLS car back together between runs?

I was surprised that no major body panels fell off of Alfie after I
12 cones with him Sunday.  Of course, Karl could be getting tricky and
putting the tape on the INSIDE of the panels.....

Congrats to Karl!

David 'looking under couch cushions for Nats money' Hawkins
86 Mr2 CSP in pieces

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