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Labor Day Gateway To Nationals, St. Louis was....Re: Labor Day Weekend

To: <>
Subject: Labor Day Gateway To Nationals, St. Louis was....Re: Labor Day Weekend at Rt66
From: "Christopher Hammond" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 16:52:43 -0400
Why worry about all those minuses at the RT 66 event..... when you can come to 
St. Charles Missouri for the Solotime Gateway To Nationals!  

+  Brand new Solo2 location this year
+  great BIG lot
+  On the way to Nationals... if you have a long vacation and are
      starting early...
+  Casino Boats
+  It's on the good side of the river...
+  You can race in STS and beat my 94 Golf, hell, everyone can
+  Free photos.... courtesy of, hey that's me. Photos
     taken saturday will be available for free sunday, online later
     that week

-  (NONE!)

Chris "still in his first year" Hammond
94 Golf STS 

Christopher Hammond

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  • Labor Day Gateway To Nationals, St. Louis was....Re: Labor Day Weekend at Rt66, Christopher Hammond <=