>From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <elinnhoff@smmc.saint-lukes.org>
>Okay, now for the really important qualification questions.
>Which one is the most entertaining when drunk? And are they a cheap
> >drunk?
I'd say I would be pretty darn hilarious if drunk, seeing that I don't drink
that often. Two beers and I'm liable to wear Mari's dress.
>Are either of them a CP driver? (Hint: They'd be over qualified for >the
>first criteria.)
Nope, not CP Driver :( I once loaned a oil cap to one though! Who'd a though
an Alfa part would fit a Corvair!
>How cute would they be in Mari C's checkerboard dress?
See above.
>And finally, can they carry a Karaoke tune?
Not a chance. And I hope nobody brings the video of JD Kemp and I singing
"One the cover of the Grassroots Rag" together!
>If not, can they at least act like a total fool while on stage?
Hell, Bring the video!
>Here's an idea to gain recognition for the winner. Make them wear >some
>sort of funny orange cone hat all week, to all events, so folks >can
>identify them from a distance as the 2000 DTN winner. Hell, I'd >pay for
>the hat. The recipient should make every attempt to attend >every social
>event during the week or as long as they'll be there.
Heck, I already made the hat last year for our "Cone King". I do however own
a large checkered flag looking "where's waldo" hat!
>To truly be deserving of the DTN award they must be willing to be THE
>spectacle of the entire National's social scene, all in good fun of
> >course.
Karl Rickert
2000 DTN "Wanna-be"
Dixie Region Asst Regional Executive
Dixie Region Solo2 Chairman
SEDiv Solo2 Registrar
CS #38 Alfa Romeo Spider
EP/GT4 Datsun 510
TLS #25
TLS Webmeister