I know I will probably hear about this for ever but here goes.
No matter how the car classes are set up there WILL be one car that is more
competitive than the other cars. I don't care how the classes are arranged
one car will dominate.(hopefully I will own that car) The SEB does the best
job they can based on the information that they have to keep one car from
being the dominant car. This latest proposal is an effort to change the
ever growing imbalance in SS. ( in my opion) In addition, in an effort to
reduce classes that traditionally have run nearly the same times over time.
I'm sure there will be adjustments as time passes. I don't see the rational
for all the whining about it. If we think something is way off its time to
write a letter. State your point and wait for a ruling.....
Thats my two sense....
77 AS (for now)