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RE: Wendover SS Results - Vette!

To: "'Gary Thomason'" <>,
Subject: RE: Wendover SS Results - Vette!
From: Kevin McCormick <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 14:28:50 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Thomason []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 2:05 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Wendover SS Results - Vette!
> > 
> My information is that the course was basically two dragstrips, one on
> the way out and one on the way back, with many cars crossing 
> the finish
> in third gear. The C5 is easily the best car in SS on a dragstrip.
> A well known Miata driver told me he lifted like three times for the
> entire course, which based on his finishing position was once 
> too many.

I believe David Fauth (G-Stock Integra Type-R) only broke once on the course
(at the top - he wouldn't divulge how many lifts :-)  I left foot brake to
make the lights stay on the whole time :-)  I _will_ say that it WAS flat
back (on my last two runs) in the Type-R: 1st to 2nd to 3rd gear across the
lights...  Unlike Randy, I wasn't brave enough to look at the Speedo...

> When was the last time you saw C Stock faster than B Stock? Also looks
> to me like the Type R should go to A Stock. ;-) You aren't focusing in
> on one event too much again are you????
> :-) <g> :-) <g>, etc.

Careful there Gary :-)  
> Gary

Kevin McCormick
1997 GS Integra Type-R

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