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Re: Fair Classing for everybody is ridiculous? (was Fiero classing)

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Fair Classing for everybody is ridiculous? (was Fiero classing)
From: "George Ryan" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 17:34:00 -0500
There are many replies from naysayers to my message. Look at the
names, and their positions in this organization. HMMM - interesting.

Patience is virtue. Instead of replying to each and every post, let me
develop this concept and present it. I promise to print it, even if those
I am proposing to nix the idea.

If it is not feasible, so be it. If it IS feasible, however, then some
of the box" thinking may just make this sport a little more fun for the
average competitor, instead of the Brian Priebe/ Bob Tunnell show (Sorry,
guys - I respect you both. But it wasn't me that kept throwing your names
into this conversation).

Until my thoughts are proposed and in print (I am not doing this for the
SCCA) how about the vision of a 3.8 200hp Firebird against an early
Z28 with the 305 of about the same weight and power? Or a Fiero 4
against a Ford EXP or Nissan Pulsar with about 90hp and the same
weight? BTW, this would never happen in the SCCA under current

Maybe my concept won't work - - but remember - I am not locked in
to the catagories that you have in place. AHA - - fresh thinking!! Thinking
outside the box!! Something the current program (that some of you insist
won't allow equitable classing) will not tolerate.

Maybe - within THOSE parameters, the concept of equal opportunity
for all cars (not talent levels - that should be what the sport is about,
which car gives the "edge" - ) is truly possible. That is my quest, anyway,
and there isn't a soul out there that will be able to dampen my desire, or
my enthusiasm.

BTW, any constructive thoughts to help me will be entertained privately.


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