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Auto-X Digest Archive Searching Question

To: <>
Subject: Auto-X Digest Archive Searching Question
From: "Gary Lingertot" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 08:52:23 -0500
I'm trying to do some research that requires searching the ax-digest
archives... but I'm having quite a bit of trouble finding out if those
searches are currently supported.

The site directs you to for
the "Team.Net Mailing Lists Archives", but you're redirected here: From here there is a list of
several hundred mailing lists, but I'm at a loss to find our auto-x digest
(but I found the CMod and FMod lists). First dead end.

Selecting the "Team.Net FTP Archives - Files" on sends me to here:

Unfortunately the link to actually search or browse the archives
( doesn't work. Second dead end.

So I figured a final option at this point would be to FTP the complete
archives and search them myself... but my anonymous FTP sessions are
rejected by

Can anyone help me out here?

        -- Gary Lingertot

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