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Re: More Fiero

To: James Rogerson <>
Subject: Re: More Fiero
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 14:48:25 -0700
And as AB so aptly put it, there wasn't, nor is, a ground swell from
Fiero owners.  They all moved to Fiero club events or just off to other
things or cars.

The same thing has happened in other classes with a number of drivers
whose perception is their cars don't have a chance to be competitive, so
they just go away, voting with their feet, so to speak. Some hang in
there, and keep trying, so the voice is a lonely one, and because there
is no "groundswell," there is no action by whichever committee in
charge. Too bad, but that's the way it is. We really don't want to have
old cars competing...??? It would seem, even if it just one voice asking
for fairness, the committees would heed the request. 
As an 88 Fiero owner, I know the poor dear needs new shocks, bushings,
even the air conditioner needs replacing. Just 2 years ago, we had to
replace a rear wheel bearing, which meant the whole wheel assembly had
to be replaced. Not cheap. Not your ordinary car, but still a pleasure,
but we don't autocross it. 
--Pat Kelly
> Except for George, I love you man, who is a festering sore that won't heal.
> James Rogerson
> [FP #125] - Techless Racing
> "Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile
> "Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a meaningful 
>relationship with women" - Joseph Heller
> The census records were used in 1941-2 to identify, abduct and imprison 
>innocent Japanese Americans. Be sure to fill out yours.  Trust them.

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