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Questions about Nationals

Subject: Questions about Nationals
From: "Dan Hill" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 12:56:30 CDT
I have never been to nationals before and had a few questions that where not 
answered in the flier I got.
1.  I am ESP, and it says that I run/work on Tues and Wed.  Does that mean I 
need to be there on Monday to tech and register and after Wed evening I can 
go home?  Do they give out awards on Wed for ESP of just at the last of the 
week for everyone?

2.  Is the site within walking distance of any place to stay?  I am sure 
that people camp, do they have bathrooms and showers and such or just 

3.  Are all the dinners and after hours activities an the site or do you 
have to drive somewhere, ie do I have to change wheels x2 a day to go 

Thanks alot,
27 ESP
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