Sounds more like a slipping crash bolt. The first symptom that it
slipped is the steering wheel is now off centered. A quick and dirty
measurement would be to park the car on a relatively level surface with
the wheels pointed kinda straight. Take something with a 90 degree
corner, like some plywood or cardboard or carpenter's square (the world
is full of square things).
Place this against each front tire and measure the distance from the top
of the tire to the square.
Or, just do what I do.... jack the car up, take off the front rim,
loosen the crash bolt, push the top of the hub back in, and tighten the
friggin crap out of the crash bolt. Rinse, repeat. Check if the steering
is back on center.
While you have the car up, check to see if the tie-rods are tight. My
guess is that they are, and you are having the camber slip.
If the camber is slipping, get some new bolts, and next time use more
torque to keep them from slipping. I always retighten my bolts after
someone else aligns it.
Randy Chase (Wendover???? that soon?)
'91 MR2 CS "SPINS"