<< Mark Sipe has mentioned here and elsewhere the potential problems
created by the over-abundance of past and present A-Stock drivers
on both the SCAC and the SEB. I'm sorry to say it, but after looking
at this proposal, IMHO, I have to agree that it appears some members
of the SCAC at least have possibly let their personal situation cloud
their better judgment. >>
Hey, don't drag me into this dogfight :-)
Actually, this appears to imply the opposite of what I have been saying.
Publicly, it's never been my position that members of the SEB/SCAC are
enacting self protection. What I have been pointing out, and as Gary
Thomason and others so amply demonstrate, is that the real problem here is
Ethics is as much about perception as it is about reality. Every
professional code of ethics clearly states this. You don't have to be a
genius to realize that the current bias of the SEB/SCAC membership towards A
Stock is going to problematic everytime a difficult class decision is made.
I worry more about this destroying the class than the introduction of a
faster vehicle. However. from the outside looking in, nobody *appears* to be
taking the situation seriously, but that's just my perception. I'd like to
point out that in quite a few personal conversations regarding the Stock
reclassiciation proposal the other person has made some type of comment about
AS relative to the decision making process. This perception thing is not
going to go away; the question is are we going clean and dress it soon or are
we going to wait until it festers into a puss-filled sore? Hopefully nobody
is naive enough to think it will just blow over.
I guess the classification of the new BMW Z3 3.0L will be the litmus test
Otherwise, I fully agree with the rest of Gary's comments.
Mark Sipe