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Thanks Again to the Solo II Community

Subject: Thanks Again to the Solo II Community
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 17:50:53 EDT

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Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 21:21:36 EDT
Subject: Thanks Again to the Solo II Community
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For those who were not aware of my near disaster during my second run on 
Saturday of the Peru National Tour, a somewhat brief recap:
Driving my FMod DareDevil flat out in a high speed left hand sweeper, I heard 
a metallic bang in the rear, the rear of the car lifted in the air (I 
momentarily looked straight out at the concrete!) and came down on the right 
rear as I bounced off the course to the right.  Breathing again, I got out, 
saw the drive belt off the gears which was put back on by one of the course 
workers (Who I do not know because I was still in shock) and was pushed back 
into the grid.  As my shock receded, I discovered the panhard rod bracket at 
the end of the rear axle had broken off.  Shane Metzger, my co-driver, and I 
immediately arranged for some rides for the next runs.
Shane got a ride in Andrew Jagodnik's Red Devil and I got a ride in Jeff 
Blumenthal's KBS (What a tight fit!).  After my 3rd run, I asked Jim McKamey 
for help in welding, he did not have any welding equipment but knew that Bill 
Goodale did; Bill said fine, but admitted he was not the best welder and I 
told him I would bring the car to his trailer after impound.  While in the 
impound area, I met Bob Rehklau from Southern Illinois, a DMod Lotus driver, 
who looked at my car and said he could weld with acetylene (the only welder 
Bill had).  During the course of repair we discovered further damage to the 
right rear upper shock mount and had to "splint" a crushed chassis tube.  Now 
repaired, we ran the Sunday heat and the car was a little jittery in the high 
speed offsets but not bad considering what the rear end had been through.  
Shane felt good enough in the car to post the second fastest time on Sunday 
behind Scott Nardin.
I am writing this because I want to publicly thank Bill Goodale, Bob Rehklau, 
Jeff Blumenthal and Andrew Jagodnik for their help during our crisis.  Thanks 
also to all those who helped in other ways and to those who were concerned 
enough to keep up with how we were doing.  Ya'll have reaffirmed my strong 
belief that we are family!

If any of these four are not on this list, would someone please ensure that 
they get a copy of this.

A digest lurker over a month behind,

Jim Murphy
1984 DareDevil F500 FMod #40


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