Here in the Atlanta Region we have on-line registration and a list of
drivers and their data who have competed with us this year on an Excel
At the last event, we printed out that list (sorted alphabetically by
last name), so we'd have a paper backup in case the computer crashed. For
the first time we experimented with a paperless entry process, except for
drivers who weren't in the system.
We printed out another list sorted by class and car# so new entrants
could see which numbers were taken for their class to eliminate duplicate
numbers within class.
90% of our entrants didn't have to fill out anything. Just go to
registration, pay their entry fee, get checked off (and set up in the
computer by indicating the amount and method of payment) then go to tech.
We don't use any tech forms either. Either they pass tech or they don't.
Our spreadsheet is set up to print out our run groups with grid numbers
sorted. If a driver/car isn't listed for that run group they can't run,
because they aren't in the system.
We registered and teched 100 entrants for the morning session at the last
event in 1 hour 15 minutes. That's pretty good considering the officials
were learning a new system and the entrants were unfamiliar with the new
system, also. Remember, that new entrants still have to fill out an entry
Now, we try to discourage on-line registration UNLESS someone is new or
(if already in the system) is making changes to their entry data
(different car, different car#, different class, etc.).
We have a Information Technology Team, made up of computer professionals,
who wil be taking our system to higher goals next year. Stay tuned.
<How long we should wait until we embrace and begin to utilize
technology. Web based registration, is just one example. An active
database that allows entry and provides a current entry list is not that
difficult. We have Palm VII access to our HR databases that include
rules compliance updates from the field from anywhere the Palm VII has
coverage, regular internet access is of course world wide.
This organization is NOT ahead of the curve, it's close to the rear.
Very late apex (AX content)
James Rogerson
FP #125 Houston Region (which is just as in the dark as many others)
Ben Thatcher
Apex Benefit Services & Motorsports
Stockbridge, GA
Phone 770.474.1402
FAX 770.474.0938