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Re: the whole NT/participation thing

Subject: Re: the whole NT/participation thing
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 21:27:02 -0500 wrote:
> Just go, its not about were you finish. Its all about having a great time and
> seeing
> a bunch of people who have flamed the shit out of you on this list!!!!!!!

Couldn't have said it better, myself, Mike!  Though I've been in this
club since '85, I had never been to Topeka (or Salina, before that)
until '97.  I always felt that my car wasn't up to the task - I
CERTAINLY wasn't up to the task - and, since I work with former AML
National Champ Erin Cox (and only one of us can be off work at a time)
that she should get first choice on that week off.  But then, in '97,
with all the hoopla about having the biggest turnout ever for the 25th
anniversary Nats and Erin's decision a year earlier not to go anymore,
I jumped at the opportunity.  I didn't drive in '97.  I just flew TWA
up to KC, rented a car, and drove to Topeka.  I had an absolute
blast!  Got to write about the event for SportsCar and NAP, too.  And
I wished, every minute I was there, that I had brought my car.  The
only downside to the whole experience was my mistake of staying in the
Airport Value Inn!!!  8<{)  
I was back in '98 - WITH my car this time - and finished DFL in DP. 
But, again, I had an absolute hoot while I was there - even entered
the Thursday night talent show.  I was all set to go again in '99
until an emergency at work forced me to cancel at the last minute. 
Hopefully, that won't happen again this year and I'll see all of you
in Topeekee!

> Seriously Its not how well you drive or don't drive.Its a blast just too
> go!!!! This will
> be my third year driving. I went the two years before that just to watch and
> crew for people I knew. Never say "I'm not good enough to go to Topeka"
> because if you do you will never be good enough. Once you go to an event like
> the Nats, Nothing
> be the same again.

And this goes back to Eagan's points in his follow-up post.  You're
lucky, John, that you have some serious competition right there in
your home region.  But many of us don't have any local competition at
all.  Unless we go to Divisionals, National Tours, Pros, or even The
Big Dance in Topeka, we'll never know how badly we really suck when it
comes to car prep or our driving ability or how good we really are.  

When I first started out, I only went to local events. Then, with
pressure from the rest of the Region, I started going to our Statewide
(TLAC) events. Even though I didn't do that well, I sure had fun and I
made some great friends.  Now I wouldn't miss a TLAC event for
anything.  It took a few more years before the group finally convinced
me to enter a Divisional.  I didn't do very well, but I sure had fun
and made even more great friends.  And I've made almost every SWDiv
Divisional since then.  It took even longer to convince me to attend a
National Tour.  But now, if there's one within 5 or 6 hours' driving
distance of Shreveport, I'll be there! 8<{)

Sure, there's some serious competition in this sport.  But there's
also a ton of fun in it.  And most of the people who participate are
great folks to be around.  But until you step out of that "local"
shell and start attending some of the higher-level events (including
Divisional Roundtables and the National Convention) you're missing out
on an opportunity to meet some really talented people who just might
be able to help you jump the next hurdle.

So, like Mike said, "Just go!!!"  And have fun.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

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