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Re: Prosolo entries (was Fw: Solo participation too high?)

Subject: Re: Prosolo entries (was Fw: Solo participation too high?)
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:59:45 PDT
Alan Pozner <> wrote:
>Saying "core workers get a spot" really does not address all
>the local volunteers who are not core workers but still are indispensible. 
>I would say that at the Harrisburg Pro 60% of the local workers were not 
>considered core workers.

Apparently, my definition of "core worker" and the SCCA's
current definition are two different things.  My intention
was to give the people busting their butts to host the event
a better chance of competing in the event should capping
entries become necessary.

I'm the first person to recognize the efforts of the
countless volunteers, in particular those that show up
to work and don't even drive.  At another club's local
event this year, I turned quite a few heads by taking
a non-driving volunteer who was working timing/scoring all
day along in the passenger's seat during a competition run.
He didn't ask, I made the offer.  At Ayer and other national
events, I notice when the people working the gate are
not driving numbered cars, and always salute them as
I'm entering the site.  Finally, I always make it a point
to find the "secret gathering place" of the hosting
region's workers at every national event and personally
thank them for making the event possible.

In case somebody missed my thank-you's this year, let
me reiterate them.  Thank you to "Chef Dave" and the
people of Gulfcoast Autocrossers for their hard work
in opening up the best ProSolo site that I've ever seen
to the SCCA.  Thanks to the people behind the scenes
at Petersburg, with a special footnote to the Friday
night reception planners for nudging out Chef Dave
for what in my opinion was the best ProSolo chow of
the season.  Thank you to Appalacian Sports Car Club
for making Harrisburg happen, with a footnote that
I thought last year's Friday night reception was the
best of 1999.  On the NT front, thanks to Chang Ho
Kim and the New England Region for another great Tour
event, with special kudos to the Berkshire Mountain
Spring Water people and whoever arranged for the
great bagged lunches for the second year in a row.
Last but not least, thank you to the people that made
Meridian happen.  Everyone, from the club members, airport
and museum staff, Peavy crew, and the people of Meridian
all bent over backwards to put on what I felt was the
best national event that I've ever been to.  Without
the hard work of each and every one of these hosts,
there would be no road to Topeka.....



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