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was: Stupid cone tricks, now: DNF?

Subject: was: Stupid cone tricks, now: DNF?
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 00:01:17 EDT
Interesting that the opinions on my move have been so split...

The point is really moot, anyway, as I DNF'd the other side.
But, still fascinating.  I think the man with the answer would be the
course designer.  Wasn't that Dean Sapp?

Tell us, Dean....  How many slalom cones were there on the
run to the finish...  four?   Or were there five, as a couple of drivers
have suggested?  I took it that the first cone with one pointer was
part of a gate "in front of" the slalom, not part of the slalom itself,
which began with a cone having two pointers....  Even if the single
pointed cone were the first slalom cone, I'm not convinced that I
did not break the line between the two when I looped around to
run the slalom on the correct side.

When I pulled up to the stage line on the left side, I could see the
course workers on the right gesturing about what had happened.
Did they call it in as a DNF or not?  I don't know....  Whichever they
did, that will stand as the "official" decision on my indiscretion.

And as for the occasional mentioning of my problem on that run
being the result of a "Spin".....  It most certainly was NOT a spin.
I just drifted too wide to make the first slalom cone; the kart did
not hook up and travel straight ahead when I expected it to, as it
had done all weekend.  Maybe I was going just a tiny bit faster....
Now at the end of the slalom on the right side.... THAT was a SPIN!

Alas, I will have to bow from this discussion until after the Peru Tour,
as I am heading off to a consulting job, followed by the Grissom event..
Laptop challenged here....

See ya all!

Alan Sheidler

BTW, my mail has run 100% in favor of the "stupid cone trick" being the
odd result of nipping a cone on the "correct side".  I knew it had to be....
The mail regarding the possible DNF, however, is divided, with opinions
of certainty on both sides.  For once it is a competition-related controversy
I have gotten into, instead of one related to what I drive!    ;-)

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