Just in case those of you who were at the Harrisburg Pro are interested, the
Sacramento Chapter of the San Francisco Region held the first round of the
Norpac Divisional Series over the weekend.
We had 18 drivers in AS show up, and had some really good racing. Gridded
up were 4 Boxsters, 4 S2000s, 3 M3s, 2 MR2 Turbos, a 944S2, and a 911. The
talent was pretty amazing. I'm betting that every top driver in the country
in AS was either competing in Sacramento or Harrisburg!
As for the results, I was leading after Saturday, followed by Bill Buetow,
then Joe Goeke........
Final results had Joe taking the win with an impressive 3rd run. So here is
a rundown as best I can remember.
1. Joe Goeke - '00 Boxster
2. Ron Bauer - '00 S2000
3. Andy McKee - '95? MR2 Turbo
4. Bill Buetow - '89 944 S2
5. Teresa Neidel - '00 Boxster
6. Rob Luis - '00 Boxster
Yep, that's right, Team Butt Heat took 1 and 2. The other halves of Team
Butt Heat (the owner's of the cars :-) ) also took 1 and 2, but the other
way around, with Annie Gill in the S2000 taking the win over Anna Hedly in
the '00 Boxster that she picked up in Denver and drove to the event.
If anyone's interested in other class results, let me know and I'll try my
best to remember them!
Ron Bauer
Team Butt Heat