Sunday, at the Equipe Rapide race at Pennington Field my husband was
eventmaster. The course he designed was tight & difficult. Peter Fehn
took one run and drove over by where my kids and I were sitting ( two
daughters ages 6yrs. & 11 yrs.)and starting cussing about how he didn't
like the course. In River Oaks where we live their's a little weekly
newspaper with a YEAS & NAYS column. I believe he deserves to be in NAY
list for the language he used and the fact that he was putting down the
course so strongly in front of my kids. My 11 year old is a Formula
Junior driver and she knew her dad designed the course. She DID NOT need
to hear him talk like that.
By the way Peter Fehn did load up his car and go home after he was
through venting his anger.
Joey (angry spectator)