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Re: No More Smog Testing in Florida!

To: "Steven N. Burkett" <>
Subject: Re: No More Smog Testing in Florida!
From: Gail/Sid deLeon <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 14:42:52 -0500

"Steven N. Burkett" wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Linnhoff, Eric wrote:
> > No, electric and solar cars suck.  And just how do these serendipitous
> > suit-clad politicians think all that electricity gets made anyway?
> Well...  Contrary to popular belief, not everyone at the DOE and
> associated agencies are complete idiots.  The question of end-to-end
> energy consumption and emissions production are difficult ones, and a lot
> of research has gone into producing appropriate models.
> As it stands, pure-electric vehicles, even considering power plant
> emissions, are much less polluting and have a lower total cost of
> ownership than internal combustion vehicles.
> But back to the topic at hand:
> I'm considering converting my '84 RX-7 to electric.  What class would I
> run in?  It appears that NO class would allow me (not even mod).  Has
> anyone ever autocrossed an electric?
> Steven
> p.s.  Don't worry, my '93 RX-7 and wife's Montero should more than make up
> for any emissions I might otherwise eliminate with this conversion ;-)
> p.p.s.  No, I don't site any stats.  I just went through this on the RX-7
> list, and didn't save my posts, and am really not interesting in doing all
> the research again, so sorry for that.  Besides, 83% of all statistics on
> the Internet are just made up anyway.

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