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Re: Driving Shoes, Now have you seen a fire?

Subject: Re: Driving Shoes, Now have you seen a fire?
From: "John Gross" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 11:10:59 PDT
Chris Ramey's Corvette when a fire started in the intake 
manifold....fortunately he was at the starting line w/ some extinguishers 
right there....unfortunately, they were dry chem's which left a nice 

>From: Mike Bultemeier <>
>Reply-To: Mike Bultemeier <>
>To: Paul Cezanne <>
>CC: "Team.Net" <>
>Subject: Re: Driving Shoes, Now have you seen a fire?
>Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:35:49 -0500
>This leads me to ask the question. Has anyone seen a fire of consequence at
>an event? I saw a small one at an event in Kansas City. It wouldn't have
>if the guy would have listened to everyone and NOT driven the Fiat with a
>rod knock for that last run!!
>Mike B.
>Paul Cezanne wrote:
> > >canvas boat shoes from KMart at around $3.00 to $6.00 a pair depending
> >
> > >In the event of a fire: You must bend forward at the waist, reach down
> > >and grab both ankles, and kiss your feet goodbye.
> >
> > Actually, I'd rather have canvas shoes on during a fire than any
> > other man made materials sneaker.  Oh year, the rubber soles suck but
> > the "plastic" shoes will melt onto your feet.  Canvas should do ok,
> > not as great as leather, but ok in a fire.
> >
> > If you are concerned about fire use leather first (but with laces so
> > the laces burn off and the leather won't crush your feet as it
> > shrinks) then canvas.  Avoid synthetics.
> >
> > Is this a cheery topic?
> > --
> > pZ -- Paul Cezanne (formerly Czarnecki)
> >
> > Please consider buying my wife's new book, The Illusionist,
> > ( and then help the UN feed the world
> > for free @


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