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Re: Roll Mayo Ayer etc

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Roll Mayo Ayer etc
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 12:34:46 -0400
Eddie Savage writes (in part):

<<<No - a very precise gate and offset. And please remember that not
all drivers
are created equal - we all learn and perform according to God's gifts
to us.
Hopefully, it is by mere seat time alone, and not by a series of
happenings with "perhaps" a bit of youthful indiscretion in one's
of tires, parts, or steering input. (Note to Mr. Brockman - please
don't take
that too personally. I just call the shots as I saw them. And to your
- - your explanation and calm reaction to the roll was pretty' damn
straight up
and mature, IMHO.) The understanding of a cars physics and reactions
of some
turns or corners require us to call upon skills we just may NOT have,
at that
particular point of time in our lives.>>>

First, thank you for responding in a positive manner. I appreciate it,
particularly after some of the other obvious attempts to seek
retribution for daring to speak my mind regardless of how unpopular it
might be.

Second, I wanted to highlight this particular paragraph because I
completely agree with you, but I apparently come to just the opposite
conclusion. Can we ask relative novices to perform maneuvers,
particularly high speed maneuvers, which put their car is at risk if
they are not performed without any error?

I am verklempt. Discuss it amogst yourselves.

Thanks again for responding positively. Good luck with your future

Paul Foster

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