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Re: AYER in review, rollover

To: Matt Murray <>
Subject: Re: AYER in review, rollover
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:45:50 -0400
Matt Murray wrote:
> Perhaps I didn't see it as I walked it. I know it was a tough set of
> offsets.

I saw it as quite a challenge, but it never occurred to me as a
safety issue while walking.  But after it happened (right in front of
me, as I was in T&S), it seems like a textbook case.

> The last offset was moved towards the top (of this image) to reduce
> the angle of attack.

That was the first revision, but that was scrapped as it would have
been too fast for the rulebook.  Instead, the entry to the section
was changed to slow the cars before they got here (though it turned out
to be less effective than anticipated).  It looked like this (again,
view in a fixed-width font):

                            -->    XXXXX    -->
        X                  XXXXX    -->    XXXXX
X      (1)      XXXXX                                   XXXXX
-->     X        -->                                     -->

Entering from the left, the gate at (1) was moved left (up) about 4'.
The center wall had originally moved left (up), but was then moved back
to its original position.  The last wall was also moved left (up) about
2' in order to make the exit easier and to facilitate an easier look at
the upcoming slalom.

For those who weren't there, you entered from the left, as described
by the arrows.  The section from the 2nd to the 4th wall was
effectively a straight, as there was a lane 6' or so wide there.

In my FF, we entered this section already in 4th gear, probably at
about 70 mph.  It was possible to go through the offset gate at (1)
flat out, but that made the left after the first wall tough, so I
braked lightly for that gate and then went through the walls flat out.
Most other people appeared to go flat through the gate then braked as
they approached the left after the first wall.


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