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Lies, Dammed Lies, and Statistics

Subject: Lies, Dammed Lies, and Statistics
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 13:23:29 -0400
Part of my "job" as SM Shogun involves keeping track of attendance
statistics so that I can try and convince the Powers That Be that SM
deserves a place at the Nationals table. I've been told that National Tour
results have a higher bearing on this than other events, so the Ayer Tour
meant a lot to me, stats-wise.

For your perusal and discussion, the attendance stats for the Ayer Tour.

Items of note:

- SM is the 7th largest class, 5th largest if you count ties as one class.
- What the hell happened at this event? I've never seen so many DNFs and
people skipping the second day

226 cars at event

Rank  Class   #cars  % of total
1:      BS      15      6.64
2:      ES      13      5.75
3:      FSP     12      5.31
4:      CS      11      4.87
5:      AS      11      4.87
6:      GS      11      4.87
7:      SM      10      4.42
8:      SS      9       3.98
9:      EP      9       3.98
10:     DS      9       3.98
11:     CSP     9       3.98
12:     FS      9       3.98
13:     CM      8       3.54
14:     HS      8       3.54
15:     STS     8       3.54
16:     ESP     7       3.10
17:     DSP     7       3.10
18:     FM      6       2.65
19:     CP      5       2.21
20:     DM      5       2.21
21:     FJ      4       1.77
22:     DSL     4       1.77
23:     BM      4       1.77
24:     BSL     3       1.33
25:     EM      3       1.33
26:     FSPL    3       1.33
27:     AM      3       1.33
28:     AP      3       1.33
29:     FP      2       0.88
30:     SSL     2       0.88
31:     HSL     2       0.88
32:     F125    2       0.88
33:     CSL     1       0.44
34:     EPL     1       0.44
35:     FSL     1       0.44
36:     DP      1       0.44
37:     STR     1       0.44
38:     BSP     1       0.44
39:     ESL     1       0.44
40:     BML     1       0.44
41:     CML     1       0.44
42:     GSL     0       0.00
43:     ASPL    0       0.00
44:     BP      0       0.00
45:     DSPL    0       0.00
46:     CSPL    0       0.00
47:     APL     0       0.00
48:     BPL     0       0.00
49:     ESPL    0       0.00
50:     DPL     0       0.00
51:     CPL     0       0.00
52:     FPL     0       0.00
53:     AML     0       0.00
54:     ASL     0       0.00
55:     ASP     0       0.00
56:     BSPL    0       0.00
57:     DML     0       0.00
58:     EML     0       0.00
59:     FML     0       0.00

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