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Re: Gear ratios and autoxing

Subject: Re: Gear ratios and autoxing
From: Don Miller <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 11:59:09 -0700 (PDT)
> 2) Will you be using 1st or 2nd gear primarily?
>    -Do you have a very tall first gear (Viper,
> Ferrari, etc.)...
>    -or a very short one (*blinks*, sorry, can't
> think of one)

My 69 Datsun Turbo V-6 Roadster. First Gear is usually
good for about 10 feet of smoke then one to 2nd. I now
just start in second. Gear ratio rear end is 3.889,
20" tall tires and a first gear of 3.321 make it a
12.919 ratio. It is good for 25 MPH at my 6k red line.

Don Miller
Must Go Faster racing

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