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RE: Short People

Subject: RE: Short People
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 12:57:46 PDT
"Ellingson, George A " <> wrote:
>Maybe only fat guys (or gals) should be allowed to remove their mirror.
>George Ellingson
>Semi-fat guy

OK, George, please define "fat guys" and "fat gals" in terms
that could easily be published in next year's rule book with
zero ambiguity.   Certainly such a definition would involve
weight, height, girth, gender, and shoe size.  Sorta sounds
just like the Prepared class car rules, doesn't it???

Maybe we should just let each competitor decide whether they
are "fat" or not, and remove the mirror accordingly.  Let's
see how far that one would fly in the ladies classes, where
women would be installing three and four mirrors just so
that the competition doesn't think they're "fat"!!! :-)  That
Ally McBeal actress thinks she's fat, despite being X-rayed
last week with a candle.  Nope, this idea won't work.

Short of electing a "Handicapper General,"  this just isn't
going to work.  For the life of me, I can't remember the
title of the book with the Handicapper General and a
society where being 100% even was taken to the extreme.
If anybody knows it, it's good reading for those whining
about things not being fair for them.....

-Arthur ("No doubt about my being gravitationally-challenged" edition)


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