The Midwest Division is doing a "deja vu" event for the June 17-18 Divisional
Solo II.
Wichita Region SCCA is proud to present the Midwest Division's second
championship Solo II
event of the year 2000 sponsored by SOLOTIME.
Midiv offers everything you might want in a 2000 divisional plus more:
- Known site at East Crawford Recreation Area, Salina, KS (concrete.) A past
Nationals event site.
- Championship course designed by Roger (the real) Johnson modified to fit the
- Brookville Hotel Fried Chicken dinner at the event motel.
- Indoor plumbing at the site.
- Roving tech.
- Wonderful give aways including a Nationals entry, a subscription or renewal
to NAP, a Divisional entry, etc.
Please come join us. The deadline for mailing your entry (without a late fee)
is FRIDAY, June 9. Please visit our web site for more
information and an easy to use entry form at:
C-Ya there,
Mama Sam